Gita Shibir- Day1

on Monday, March 01, 2010

The day started with the early hustle and bustle to reach the campus within 8:30am. We were there without having tea and breakfast. Adding to our agony, we found Bistro also closed as it Holi today. I started the day with less sleep, no tea and breakfast. Everybody assembled in the auditorium before 9am. Swamiji walked-in in his orange attire. We were all set for an exciting day of Gita discourse.

The first session was focused on Success. Success has two dimensions to it, one is objective which most of us are familiar with and second is subjective which is empathetic in nature. As I reflected back this thought many times during day, I could relate this to west and east, capitalistic and socialistic, machine and human. The human being is a self-conscious person. He has capacity to learn, grow and judge himself. There is always this tussle between “Ideal I” (based on the expectations) and “Actual I”. Success is goal of everybody’s life which is nothing but happiness of the mind. To be a happy person, not only the individual needs means but capacity to enjoy. This capacity to cherish the achievement calls for emotional maturity. For this we need to work hard. We can change our mind for good.

The second session was centered around Value of Values. There are natural universal values of love, care, non-violence, forgiveness, kindness which everybody has in them. Then, he/she builds acquired values based on upbringing and social conditions.  Good Values are internal wealth of an individual. The value for value gets inculcated in oneself as assimilated and non-assimilated values. It is always better to suffer short term pain while adhering to values. 

The third session was about Relationships. Why relationships are important? We get lot of happiness by maintaining a healthy relation. How do we build healthy relationships? for this we need to be sensitive to other’s needs. We need to be less of demanding in a relationship. We should try to give more and take less from others. We should built our relations around loyalty, trust, compassion, forgiveness. It is very important to nurture relationships.

It was bit late by the time last session was over. It was a day of intense learning and reflection. Certainly, I can appreciate honesty more than ever now.