Foreign varsity call!

on Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What is objective of higher education? Research, Innovation, Contribution to Industry or it can be seen as an investment for country’s rapid growth which needs development of educational infrastructure.
Few PhDs, massive student migration to the west for higher education, less number of patents and snail pacing research. It tells the entire story of India’s sad affairs of higher education. Are we working towards improving the situation? If yes, what is the progress? Lately, we have opened up our education sector for private investment. Also, there has been increase in number of government sponsored institutes. Impact, well, it has still to be seen, but yes, there has been improvement in capacity. Quality, I would say has come down. Is this enough to take Indian story ahead?
We need a fillip. Internal, external or both? Looking at state of affairs and options in hand, Indian government needs to call for external participation along with internal development. Will it work? What would be the right model for India? How far an intervention like introduction of foreign education bill could take us?
Taking cue from Chinese experiences and considering effects of liberalization, I could see few positives right at the outset. The entire higher education sector will heat up. There will be sudden flurry of activities to take up the market. A fraction of migrating students will stop at these newly built campuses. The whole educational infrastructure will march up on development path. Are we overlooking negatives?